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What Is Architecture: What to Cover in a Student's Short Essay?

Written by:
George Maybach
Jess Maybury (cover image), PIRO4D, Matteo Kutufa

The word "architecture" may conjure up ideas for a person of a massive building with many floors and an impressive appearance. In actuality, architecture is so much more than that. If you are interested in learning about architecture, consider attending college and pursuing a degree in architecture, or you can buy architecture essays.

It is the art and science of creating buildings. The Greeks and Romans perfected this art form over thousands of years. Through their toil, architecture can be considered one of the most enduring arts practiced by humanity.


old architecture buildingimage © Matteo Kutufa

It is the art and science of designing buildings, structures, and spaces that meet the needs of people using them. Architecture originates from the Greek arkhitekton, or "master builder."

Architecture has been defined in different ways throughout history. It is a broad field of study that involves concepts such as engineering, aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. Alternatively, architecture has been defined as the art and science of thinking about space, form, and scale to create functional structures within our environment.

Additionally, it can be described as a design, planning, and construction process that shapes our built environment to make it functional and beautiful while providing shelter against hazards such as weather or fire. For example, Luxury architecture is more than just a building. It's a lifestyle, a statement, and an experience.

In recent years there has been a shift in focus away from aesthetics toward sustainability. It is now widely accepted that buildings should be designed to meet aesthetic standards and promote good health for those who occupy them through passive heating and cooling strategies.

Architecture is a multi-faceted discipline with various sub-fields, including urban planning, interior design, industrial design, civil engineering, and environmental engineering. Moreover, it also includes construction management, landscape architecture, historic preservation, urban design, and structural dynamics.

Various Types of Architecture

Architecture is a broad discipline that can be divided into categories based on structure, location, or use. These include residential architecture, commercial architecture, industrial architecture, and many more.

1.   Domestic Architecture

This type of architecture is the one that we use in our homes, offices, and other public places. The primary purpose of this type of architecture is to make our lives comfortable.

2.   Vernacular" Architecture

The term vernacular refers to an area's native or indigenous style, often associated with rural regions or minority groups within a country. This architecture is not meant for people with high income but is made so that they can live comfortably with their family members and friends in their own house.

3.   Religious Architecture

Religious architecture is the art and craft of designing places of worship such as churches, synagogues, or mosques; any structure is intended to perform religious rituals and ceremonies.

It includes all types of buildings like temples, mosques, etc., where people pray or meditate on religious matters with their friends once a week or once a month, depending on their religious beliefs (Islam, Christianity, etc.).

4.   Black House

Blackhouse architecture is a design concept that has been stirring up interest in architecture. It's an unconventional building style that aims to use a space's natural elements, such as light and wind, to create an interactive environment.

How Architecture Is A Combination Of Science And Art?

curvy columnsimage © PIRO4D

Architecture is a combination of science and art. Architecture is a science because it relies on the laws of physics and mathematics to create structures. It is also an art because it involves creativity in form and function.

Architecture has been around for thousands of years and has evolved from simple structures to complex buildings. Civil Engineering is all about mathematics and physics, so it makes sense that engineers are good architects.

It takes a lot of skill to draw up plans for buildings that will last for centuries, but there's also a lot of creativity involved. You have to imagine how people will use your facility and what they want from it – this is where your imagination comes into play!

Architects don't just design buildings: they design entire cities! Cities need roads, public transport systems, parks, and other green spaces for people to enjoy leisure activities. They also need housing for everyone (who wants to live there).

To understand architecture, it is essential to know what it is not. Architecture is not just buildings or structures like bridges or dams but also includes infrastructure such as roadways and tunnels that support human activities. It also has landscape architecture which deals with outdoor spaces like parks and gardens and indoor areas like lobbies or waiting rooms.

Architecture Can Mean Different Things to Different People

Architecture can mean different things to different people. To some, it's a great way to express themselves and be creative. For others, it's an outlet for their passion for art and design. And then some see architecture as a means of making money!

For example, some architects focus on creating beautiful designs that look good from the outside, while others are more concerned with how well they work inside — how much light comes into rooms at certain times of the day or how easily disabled people can get around in them.

Architecture Is About Making Creative Choices within Limitations

The architect must determine the best way to meet the client's needs and desires within the physical constraints of the site and local building codes. For example, if a site has only 10 feet between two buildings, it won't be easy to accommodate an expansive courtyard or garden area.

Architects must also consider the materials available and how they will be used in a given project. If a client wants a house that looks like one made of stone but has no quarries nearby, then they will have to use other materials (such as concrete or stucco). The architect must make these decisions based on what is possible given their budget and time constraints.

The architect can also choose what style they want to use for a particular project. The chosen type will depend on whether the client prefers modern or traditional design elements. For example, some clients prefer sleek glass towers while others prefer more traditional styles such as colonial revival homes with white columns out the front glass.

Experiencing Architecture First-Hand

Experiencing architecture first-hand is an essential part of understanding the discipline. The best way to learn about architecture is to experience it by visiting an architectural landmark or exploring a new city. Even if you cannot travel, there are plenty of ways to immerse yourself in the world.

By Liliana Alvarez

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