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What Is the Most Popular Residential Window?

Written by:
Mallory Knee
Dolores Harvey

Windows are some of the most prominent and important features of any structure, including residential spaces. Since windows are so crucial, homeowners care deeply about the styles they pick for their homes. Many homeowners opt for the most popular residential window type because they’re already familiar with it. But what is this window style and why is it so popular? Keep reading to find out more.

Most Popular: Double-Hung

The most popular window style in the US is the double-hung window. These windows feature a top and bottom sash, both of which are mobile. Users can pull the top sash down or push the bottom sash up. They can even do so at the same time, effectively opening the top and bottom of the window for better airflow.

With certain models, each sash can tilt inward for easy cleaning. If your client wants tilting windows, you will need to discuss that feature with the manufacturer.

Runner-Up: Single-Hung or Casement

For those who don’t want double-hung windows in their home, single-hung options are typically their choice. Single-hung is similar to double-hung, except that there is less maneuverability. A single-hung window features a top and bottom sash, but only the bottom sash is mobile. You will often see single-hung windows in historic US homes.

In Europe, casement windows are the most popular windows. Since the US still has a lot of European influence, casement windows are another runner-up for the most popular window type in the US. Casement windows swing open like a door with a vertical hinge on one side, and many are crank-operated.

Why People Love Double-Hung, Single-Hung, and Casement Windows

You’ve probably noticed a common theme regarding the most popular residential window and the runners-up—all three types are maneuverable. People want mobile windows they can control for home ventilation. Since double-hung offers the most maneuverability without the effort of the casement crank, it wins the popularity contest.

When helping homeowners choose the right type of windows for their homes, expect one or all of these options to come up. Plan to discuss how windows can boost interior design so they make the right decisions for their spaces.

As a designer, you will need to understand the popularity of various home features and help homeowners choose the features they want, including the right window styles. If a client doesn’t care for these popular window options, you can suggest custom windows that provide the features they want.

By Liliana Alvarez

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