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Who Fixes Hot Water Systems And When To Call Them

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Karen from gasleak.com.au
Vector Pocket

There's nothing quite like a steaming hot shower, particularly after a long day. When your hot water system starts acting up, however, it can rapidly turn tranquillity into trepidation. If you find yourself in such a situation, you might be asking: "Who fixes hot water systems and when do I call them?"

This article aims to shed light on common hot water system issues, highlighting when it's time to enlist the services of a professional hot water plumber.

Recognising Common Hot Water System Issues

You might think that the only sign of a faulty hot water system is when it's producing cold instead of hot water. Unfortunately, your hot water might be showing signs all along, just too subtle to notice.

No Hot Water?

This is arguably the most frustrating issue. A range of elements, from a defective heating component to a wonky thermostat or even an erratic power supply, could be to blame.

Does the Hot Water Run Out Quickly?

If warm water turns cold too quickly, you might be dealing with sediment accumulation in the hot water storage tank, a malfunctioning thermostat, or a water heater that simply isn't enough to meet your household's demands.

Noticing Unusual Sounds Originating From the Hot Water System?

If your hot water system is producing rumbling, popping, or hissing sounds, there's a possibility that sediment could be amassing. Such sediment can significantly hamper its overall efficiency.

Is There Leakage Around the Hot Water System?

Discovering water pooling around your hot water system could indicate a leakdue to loose connections, faulty valves, or even internal corrosion within the tank.

Experiencing Foul Odours or Discoloured Water?

Should you encounter strange odours or rusty-looking water, it might indicate the presence of bacteria or rust within your water heater.

Is Your Hot Water System Aged?

Water heaters aren't eternal. With ages typically ranging from 8-12 years, they become increasingly inefficient and are more prone to developing issues.

What Causes of a Faulty Hot Water System?

Now that you've (probably) noticed the signs of a faulty hot water system, it's time to find out what caused it. While your trusted plumber might just tell you the actual reason, it's also important to have an idea of what the possible reasons might be.

Here's a rundown for you:

Defective Heating Element

If you have an electric hot water system, one common culprit might be a defective heating element. While the role of your heater is pretty straightforward, which is to heat up water, it's not impervious to wear and tear. Eventually, it might give you lukewarm or even cold water. Usually, replacing the faulty element brings things back to normal.

But remember! Such tasks require a degree of technical know-how, and it's often best to call a licensed plumber.

Sediment Build-up

Over time, minerals present in water can form sediment build-up at the bottom of your water heater tank. If left unchecked, this sediment layer can grow thick enough to block the heat from the burner from reaching your water.

You might think this is no biggie, but mate, this can significantly decrease your system's efficiency, and eventually lead to a complete breakdown. Flushing the tank regularly can prevent this situation.

Broken Dip Tube

You can call your water dip tube your water heater's messenger of cold water from the top of the tank to the bottom where it finally gets heated. When the dip tube breaks or cracks, cold and hot water instantly get mixed in the tank, resulting in either lukewarm or entirely cold water.

Thermostat Problems

Like your home's heating and cooling system, your water heater's thermostat is also the one controlling your water temperature. So, if it goes haywire, best believe you'll find yourself running from a cold shower.

As tempting as it is to DIY, better not to do it. When it comes to your water heating issues, it's best to consult a professional to avoid further issues.

When to Call a Professional

Understanding the intricacies of your hot water system issues forms the first part of the solution. But how do you know when to call a hot water plumber?

Persistent Issues

If your hot water issues have become persistent, it's a clear indication that you need professional intervention. Continuous issues point to bigger underlying problems that require a hot water plumber's expertise.

Multiple Problems

Experiencing multiple problems with your hot water system at the same time? This is another critical sign that you need to seek professional help.

An Old Water Heater

You also need professional help if your hot water system is aged and you're considering a replacement. Engaging a professional will guarantee lawful and proficient hot water system installation.

Calling a professional is a requisite for complicated and risky issues concerning your hot water system. The sooner problems are dealt with professionally, the sooner you can restore peace and comfort within your home. So, if something seems amiss with your hot water system, don't delay. Pick up the phone and call your trusted hot water plumber.

Wrapping Up

It's a wrap! By now, you are one step ahead of taking care of your precious hot water system! Spot the trouble signs early, call in the experts, and keep your hot water running in perfect harmony. And remember, when in doubt about your water heater, a hot water plumber is but a call away!

By Liliana Alvarez

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