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  5. How Often Do You Need To Replace Above Ground Pool Liners?

How Often Do You Need To Replace Above Ground Pool Liners?

Written by:
Alfie Frenilla
Tom Fisk

Your above-ground vinyl pool liner is one of the most vital components of any pool, but there will come an instance when you need to consider replacing it.

A swimming pool liner is a vinyl covering applied to the walls and floor of a pool to assist in keeping the water in, improve the pool's aesthetic, and create a more attractive surface for users.

Although this depends on various circumstances, like responsible use, using only the best 3" pool chlorine tablets & chemicals for maintenance, not wearing jewelry or clothing with buttons & zippers, etc, a well-maintained above-ground pool liner can endure for more than ten years. Replacing this pool element is an expensive project that you don't want to perform unless necessary. On the other hand, continuous use of a damaged liner might result in even more complex and costly repairs due to the long-term harm it can bring to the pool's structural strength.

The following are signs to look for when it is time to change your above-ground pool liners.

1.     Discoloration, Staining, And Fading

Discoloration, staining, and fading are the most obvious signs that you need to change your pool liner. Fading areas on your vinyl pool liner indicate UV and chemical deterioration. While most pool liners are now resistant to UV fading, it nevertheless occurs over time. It becomes brittle and malleable as the colorful coating on your pool liner fades. If you discover that your vinyl liner has disappeared, inspect it often for fractures or tears and any leaks.

2.     Cracks and Tears

As your liner degrades, it gets more brittle, increasing the likelihood of cracking. If you see a fracture or tear in your liner, even if the water level in the pool isn't lowering, don't ignore it. It's safe to assume that it's in your best financial interest to mend rips and cracks immediately when you see them before the problem gets too severe to fix. However, if you see your liner ripping and splitting more frequently than usual, it has likely gotten strained or brittle. It's preferable to get a new one in this scenario.

3.     Loss of Form

Your liner will lose part of its flexibility as it wears. Since the liner is stretching, beading, lumps, wrinkling, or falling off the coping track are possible. It is prevalent in regions where there is groundwater, and it can produce wrinkles in the liner or perhaps even pull it out of the track at the edge of the pool. When the pool is drained and refilled, it can as well happen. Problems with the form of your liner are usually an indication that a replacement is on the way. Water might leak into the pool's construction, producing more significant problems if not taken care of.

4.     Leaks

Among all the signs, leaks are the more serious ones. No matter the pool's style, a leaky one may produce many problems. For example, if your pool is above-ground, a leak might flood your yard. It can also cause the dirt surrounding your pool to become damp and mushy, increasing the danger of your pool tilting or sinking. If a hole isn't visible, keep an eye out for low pool water levels. Although pools lose water naturally due to evaporation and splashing, if levels decrease by more than an inch each week and you can't find a leak, consider contacting local pool care professional.

Pool liner replacement is a project you need to prepare for when owning an above-ground pool. Being vigilant about the said signs is more necessary than being sorry at the end. 

By Liliana Alvarez

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