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Roof Restoration vs Replacement: Which One is Better?

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Allen Brown

Roofs are one of the most important parts of a house, as they protect not only the structure itself but also everything inside it. As such, roof maintenance is essential for preserving the integrity of a home and ensuring that its occupants can remain safe and comfortable. When it comes to keeping a roof in good condition, there are two main options: roof restoration and roof replacement. 

Although both can provide effective results, there are several key differences between them that must be considered when deciding which one is the best choice for a particular home.

The state of the roof should be assessed

In many cases, it can be difficult to determine whether restoration or replacement is the best choice. An experienced roofing contractor should assess the condition of the roof and offer their opinion on which option makes more sense for a specific situation. They will also be able to provide more information via accurate estimates so that homeowners have a better idea of the costs involved. In certain scenarios, the most cost-effective option may be to engage a roofing company that provides both restoration and replacement services. 

Restoration can extend the life of a roof

Roof restoration involves fixing existing roof problems such as loose or missing shingles, damaged flashing, and cracks in the roof deck. Restoration can extend the life of a roof by a few years and typically costs less than replacement. It also helps to maintain the existing style and design of the roof, which can be beneficial for matching homes in older neighborhoods.

Also, a roof restoration can be a more affordable option when the roof's structure is still in good overall condition.

The replacement may be necessary if the damage is extensive 

In cases of severe damage, replacement may be the only viable course of action. This involves removing the existing roof and installing a new one to ensure that it is secure and up-to-code. It also allows homeowners to choose from a wider variety of materials and styles. However, it is also the more expensive option and can cause disruption during the installation process. You must also factor in the additional cost of disposal and removal of the old roof. This part of the process is often overlooked, but it should not be ignored as it can add significantly to the cost.

The type of roof should also be taken into account

The type of roof on a home can also affect which option is the better choice. Asphalt shingle roofs, for example, may need to be replaced more often than tile or metal roofs due to their shorter lifespan and greater vulnerability to damage. On the other hand, tile or slate roofs are much longer-lasting and may only need to be restored at certain points throughout their lifetime. 

For example, it may make more sense to replace an asphalt shingle roof that is more than 20 years old, while a tile or metal roof of the same age could likely be restored. It's important to consult a professional before making any major decisions about roof repair or replacement.

Checking for warranties can also be beneficial

Finally, homeowners should check with the roofing manufacturer to see if there are any warranties still in effect. This could help reduce the cost of either a restoration or replacement job, as the warranty may cover some or all of the expenses associated with it. While warranties vary depending on the type of roof, age, and other factors, it never hurts to do some research and see if any are applicable. You may find that you're eligible for some unexpected savings that can help make roof repair or replacement more affordable.

Calculate the time and money needed for both options

In the end, homeowners should weigh their options carefully before making a decision. They should factor in both the time and money needed for each option as well as any warranties that may be applicable. Restoration can extend the life of a roof without the expense or disruption associated with replacement, while replacement may be necessary if the damage is extensive or the roof is reaching the end of its lifespan. Ultimately, the best option will depend on each individual situation and should be discussed with a professional roofing contractor. 

image © Kym Ellis

Overall, each situation will require careful consideration before deciding which route to take. Roof restoration may be preferred if the damage is minor or the existing roof still has a lot of life left in it. However, if the roof is severely damaged or beyond repair, then replacement may be the only option to ensure that a home remains safe and secure. Ultimately, both roof restoration and replacement have their own benefits, so it is important to weigh all options carefully before deciding which one is best for a particular home.

By Liliana Alvarez

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