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New furniture is indeed an investment requiring homeowners to research before making any purchases. Spontaneous buying of household furnishings can lead to regret and financial loss. However, by planning ahead what look you're going for, quality expectations, and room layout, your furniture-hunting experience can be enjoyable and produce a style yo...
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Milo Forester
As the start of a new era, modernism presents all sorts of discoveries that push society onward. Although it doesn’t contribute much, unlike the various milestones achieved by technology, architecture tells a story of what modern society’s usual preferences are. Aside from home design, what homeowners would decorate their homes brings their entire...
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Alaina Trelawney
Stephan Karg - alias XtravaganT
When the mercury drops, homeowners must consider which heating system will keep them warm and toasty this winter. With so many home heating options, it can be challenging to figure out which offers the most heat, control, life expectancy, and efficiency.
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Milo Forester
Woody Kelly
Curb appeal, or how your property is viewed from the street, is just as big a deal for commercial properties as it is for residential properties. Lovely landscaping is appealing and can create an environment that is better for your employees or tenants. It also helps in giving people a favorable opinion of your business.
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Milo Forester
Scott Webb
Decorating your home can be a daunting task. There are so many things to consider, from choosing the right furniture to picking out the perfect paint color. And if you’re not careful, it’s easy to make costly mistakes. To help you decorate your home like a pro, we’ve compiled a list of six important things to know:
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Allen Brown