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The average lawn takes up more square feet than the home itself, yet all of this space is often wasted. If you're ready to get the most out of your outdoor living space while also boosting your property value and giving it more curb appeal: these are some awesome projects to consider!
Written by
Lisa Thompkins
Sinatra Cabana, Frankfranco Architects
Building a home is one of the most rewarding experiences of life. It requires thoughtful consideration and attention to detail before breaking ground; this is because decisions made now can have costly, long-term effects on you down the road. Fortunately, knowing what to consider beforehand can help make your dream home become a reality.
Written by
Allen Brown
Fabrice Villard
Are you looking to start a home improvement project? There are few projects as exciting — and potentially stressful — as renovating your deck. Whether you’re considering building or replacing a worn-out surface, or just sprucing up the area for aesthetic purposes, knowing what to do before taking on such an endeavor can be daunting.
Written by
Allen Brown
Im3rd Media