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BE_Design proudly presents the Komera Leadership Center, a facility in the rural eastern province of Rwanda providing health, education, and mentorship programs for young women, and a place for family development initiatives and community gatherings.
Project name
Komera Leadership Center
Architecture firm
Kayonza, Rwanda
Bruce Engel
Estonia is a country of wetlands, lakes and forests. Pristine nature is apparently the purest force that connects us and ties our origins together. This Embassy is a small piece of Estonia in the centre of London, and the primaeval landscapes of the interior are like a letter from home. The peat bogs on the walls, chairs and carpets, the thicket, a...
Project name
Estonian Embassy in London
Architecture firm
Studio ARGUS
44 Queens Gate Terrace, Kensington, SW7 5PJ London, United Kingdom
Terje Ugandi
Encompassing the renovation of a 18,600-square-foot midcentury natatorium designed by William Merchant and the addition of a new 3,400-square-foot clubhouse and connecting entry lobby, this project responds to the wide range of recreational and educational needs in the Mission district, while strengthening its role as a rich cultural hub for commun...
Project name
Garfield Center
Architecture firm
TEF Design in joint venture with Paulett Taggart Architects
San Francisco, California, USA
Bruce Damonte
The Work is located within a neighborhood with an advanced consolidation process. An intermediate sector of the City of Córdoba, Argentina, a place where low-density residential activity is currently available, and some uses of the productive and logistics type. One of the objectives of the Building is to activate intangible and socialization proce...
Project name
CC Claros del Bosque Community Center
Architecture firm
Grupo Edisur
Córdoba, Argentina
Gonzalo Viramonte
The building is located in a new development at the outskirts of the City of Cordoba, Argentina. This peripheral sector was, long ago, the center of industrial activities. The San Ignacio Community Center is a private proposal for a public space where the local community is responsible for the activities and the maintenance of the architecture. The...
Project name
CC San Ignacio Community Center
Architecture firm
Grupo Edisur
Córdoba, Argentina
Gonzalo Viramonte