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What if a home could be built to be environmentally resilient, wildfire resistant, and yet comfortable and open to the extraordinary ocean view site? This residence on a 10-acre site is approached via a narrow, tree covered drive, ending at a small clearing with views of the Pacific Ocean and Channel Islands

Real estate in the tallest buildings in Dubai. Skyscrapers always fascinate and attract attention. Their beauty cannot be overestimated, and the benefits of such real estate in Dubai can bring its owners millions of dollars.

Located in River Oaks, traditional yet contemporary in style, this home sits on a quiet lot with a stream, surrounded by plenty of foliage.

75 square meters, the center of the Eixample district in Barcelona, first floor with an elevator. The property that was intended for sale was presented to the studio half-naked with exposed concrete walls, just the place to start imagining.

Design a “semi-open” facility that gives children supervision and structure for 50 detailed children in the outskirts of a city. The concept should address the lives of inmates and society overall. Participants are encouraged to explore how the architecture of a place affects the behavior of people under its influence.

The project is located in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County in the middle zone between the farming culture of the Central Plains in the south and the animal husbandry culture in the north. The cultural features integrate the southern and northern cultures.

The apartment is located in a new building in the Jizera Mountains. The apartment is on the ground floor of the house, so it is directly physically and visually connected to the surrounding landscape. The apartment is entered from the second floor through a small hallway, which connects to a double staircase.

Located at Hall 2 in the second-floor atrium of the Fusen Mall, Chengdu, China, the store has an outstanding and recognizable location. The renovation aims to bring a brand new experience for more users.