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Japanese Garden design is a sacred type of architecture. This type of design has been around for centuries, and is highly significant in Japanese culture. There are a variety of meanings and reasons for the elements found within Japanese Garden design. These are some of the major key factors of Japanese Garden design.
Written by
Jenny Williams
Kwon Junho (cover image), Daderot, Hiro2006, 663highland
As you are well aware, gardening is a trendy hobby. However, not everyone can have the time to enjoy it. If you have more free time than most, don't wait. Get your garden so that you can get started with gardening. This will help relieve some of the stress in your life and give you something to look forward to each day.
Written by
Allen Brown
Hao Chen (cover image), Eco Warrior Princess, Gary Barnes
Gardening is a great way to spend some time outside in the fresh air, but it is also important to make your garden look better. Below are some tips on how you can make your garden look incredible, wanting you to spend more time outdoors.
Written by
Allen Brown
Jonas Ferlin (cover image), Marzenna Gaines
With the weather warming up, it’s finally time to turn your attention to your garden. Gardening can be a great, therapeutic way to become one with nature, but it can be difficult to keep your garden looking its best. If you want to spruce up your vegetable or flower patch, but don’t know how, this list has got you covered.
Written by
Allen Brown
Marzenna Gaines (cover image), Maria Orlova