Your home isn’t complete until you add your own flair. Forget the bare walls; here are different ways to add unique art elements to your home.
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Felicia Priedel
You don’t have to go abroad to have a vacation. In fact, you can have one at home. While it might sound impossible, it is something that more and more people are actually doing. The term ‘staycation’ usually refers to taking a vacation in an area that’s near to one’s home, but actually vacationing at home brings new meaning to the term. When you sp...
Max Vakhtbovych
If you're looking for ways to add a little more tranquility and relaxation to your home, water elements may be the answer. There are many different types of water elements that can be used in your space, each with its own unique benefits. This article will explore some of the most popular water elements and discuss how they can help to create a mor...
There’s no doubt about it – home improvement projects can be a lot of fun. Not only do they make your home look nicer, but they also give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you finish them. Plus, who doesn’t love spending time in a beautifully decorated home?
Pixabay ID 5460160
Your home is where you spend most of your time, and it is also a place where you invite your family and friends once in a while. No doubt, you would want a house that is appealing to the eyes for everyone to love. How you decorate your home will determine how it looks and the kind of feelings people get when they visit. If you are looking for trend...
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Naileth Ariza B.
Daniel Chen (cover image), Collov Home Design
You don’t have to spend a fortune or go the extra mile to make your home decor appear cozier. All you need are simple and effective ideas that you can even do yourself.
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Sofia Hoffmann
Are you interested in the minimalist movement and want to be a part of it? Read on to find out how to incorporate minimalism into your living space.
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Felicia Priedel
Wall decorations aren’t new; they have been around for centuries. However, wall art stickers are an evolved version of wall decorations that can be used for both home decor and commercial purposes. This modern method of stick and peel has wall art quite a crowd—pleaser. So, the next time you see a lonely—looking wall in your home, you know exactly...