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The match between Goiva Arquitetura, led by partners Marcos Mendes and Karen Evangelisti, and the couple Manu and Alf happened right from the start. After seeing other work by the architects, the clients chose them to renovate their new home on the west side of São Paulo.
Project name
Manu and Alf's House
Architecture firm
Goiva Arquitetura
Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo, Brazil
Maira Acayaba
With an original floor plan from the 1970s, Flávia's apartment is located in the Jardim Paulista neighborhood of São Paulo and is 160 m². Outdated for contemporary living, the property had a generous laundry area, larger than the kitchen, and a segmented floor plan.
Project name
Flávia's Apartament
Architecture firm
Goiva Arquitetura, Iná Arquitetura
Jardins, São Paulo, Brazil
Maura Mello