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Many people dream about purchasing their own house, and there are quite a few reasons for that. Most importantly, homeownership gives you the level of freedom and comfort some of us are looking for. Apart from this, it can be a great investment and even a chance to save money, especially when you are still in college.
Written by
Nancy Adderiy
Brian Babb (cover image), Tierra Mallorca
Much like any other industry, real estate is not a static thing — it constantly ebbs and flows, which means real estate companies consistently switch up strategies to match the current marketplace. As a result, it's not an easy task to accomplish, but it's not restricted to real estate, meaning just about every business owner has to tackle similar...
Written by
Vecislavas Popa
Buying a house is a big decision and a huge step in your life. Deciding to buy a house means you’re finally ready to settle and own your house, where many beautiful memories will be made. Making this decision is only the first step of the long yet exciting journey towards homeownership.
Written by
Allen Brown
Ian Keefe (cover image), Jonny Caspari
What makes a strong and durable house? That is the question we'll be discussing in this blog post. There are many different factors that contribute to the strength of your home, but when it comes down to it, there are three major aspects that will determine how well-built your new home is. Those
Written by
Allen Brown
Don Stouder (cover image), Greg Rivers
Buying a house is a major investment and the purchase of your home is an emotional decision, but if you want to get rid of it, you need to start thinking about the logistics. If you’ve fallen on hard times or are looking for something else, here are some things you need to consider before selling your house.
Written by
Allen Brown
Ricardo Gomez Angel (cover image), Gerd Altmann
Selling your home is a big step, it's also not easy and requires multiple steps - one of those steps is ensuring that your home is in top-notch condition so you’ll get the best price! So here’s an easy guide to improving your home before selling it! 
Written by
Allen Brown
VJ Von Art (cover image), Outsite Co