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  3. Saint-Gobain Grants 2023
Win a chance to make your innovative idea a reality with an assistance of up to 1 LAKH rupees! Saint-Gobain is delighted to present six distinct grants of up to Rs.1,00,000/- each to students and professionals in Architecture and Design who are passionate, eager and ready to make a difference with their inspiring and revolutionary proposals.
Saint Gobain supported by Ethos Foundation
Grants, Scholarship
Students of architecture or young architects under the age of 35 years. Students of interior design and interior designers under the age of 35 years- both from courses of a minimum of 3 years duration. All Transparence participants: current or past, irrespective of age and year of graduation. Past winners and applicants of Saint-Gobain Scholarships may re-apply with new ideas. Individual application or in teams of a maximum of two members (Please note Saint-Gobain will be able to sponsor only one person’s travel for the interview round if shortlisted)