The idea was to create a prototype of a precast modular modern house. Concrete finish contrasting with the reddish rocks of Wadi Rum in Jordan forms an iconic house with a simple structure.
Architecture firm
LYX arkitekter
Canyons Of Utah, United States
Tools used
SketchUp, Autodesk 3ds Max, Enscape, Adobe Photoshop
Residential › House
A bid for the architectural concept of the National Space Center was announced in 2019. UNK was awarded the contract. The complex of the Center buildings is located in Moscow on the site of one of the leading enterprises of the Russian rocket and space industry developing and producing space launch vehicles, rocket upper stages to them, as well a...
Project name
The National Space Center
Institut Mosinzhproyekt OOO
Under construction
As an important component of Zhengdong New District’s public amenities, the Dragon Lake Public Art Center will be used to showcase urban planning initiatives and exhibitions in the short term, and as a public art center in the long run.
Project name
Dragon Lake Public Art Center
Architecture firm
Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China
Su Chen, Chun Fang, Zhendong Jiang, Arch-exist photography
Principal architect
Min Wang(STUDIO A+)
Design team
Min Wang, Mei Ding, Hui Li, Yuliang Wang, Ye Miao, Shizhuang Zhu, Dahua Liu, Chongshuo Wang, Kefeng Liu, Yufeng Zhao, Rui Li, Jiale Ge, Yiyang Song, Mingyan Zhang
BIM: Hao Jiang, Yiting Gao, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Yan Liu, Heng Jin. Curtainwall Design: Bing Qu, Chi Gao. Partner: The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT (Harbin Institute of Technology), China Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd.
Interior design
Ge Zhang, Wuting Li, Hongyu Wang
Structural engineer
Congzhen Xiao
Environmental & MEP
Chaohong Mi, Gang Chen, Peijiang Zhao, Shouyong Liu, Hong Li, Peng Zhang, Liying Zhang, Zhenyu Sun, Bin Sun, Baolong Shen, Shuwei Wang
Wenwen Zhang, Puqi Liu, Kai Shen
Dongning Wang, Lihua Zhou, Jinlong Liang, Qiang Chen
The Second Construction Limited Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division
Smooth fair-faced concrete, ultra-clear glass, white and wooden color coated aluminum panels/grilles
Zhengdong New District Construction Development Investment Co.,Ltd.
Cultural › Arts Center
Insulating your home helps reduce heat loss and, in turn, saves on monthly energy costs. Read on to learn how you can choose the right insulation material.
Clinton Murray Architects - Michael Thorpe (cover image)
The location of this project is in Athena, Florida, USA. In designing this project, we got an idea from a tree branch, so that the house is connected to a vertical structure in the form of a console, like a tree branch growing from a tree trunk.
Project name
Branch House
Architecture firm
Milad Eshtiyaghi Studio
Athena, Florida, USA
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Autodesk 3ds Max, V-ray Renderer, Adobe Photoshop
Principal architect
Milad Eshtiyaghi
Milad Eshtiyaghi Studio
Residential › House
Construction of story buildings has become common practice as the world grapples with rising urbanization. The construction of such structures includes the development of escape plans that adhere to the set safety standards. This ensures that the people who live or work in high-rise buildings can exit safely in emergency situations.
Fahrul Azmi (cover image), Ready made
In the design of this villa, according to the location of the land, which was a sloping hill, It created a big challenge for us Therefore, in the design process, we tried to have a minimum of excavation and the villa to be located on the main slope of the land without the least damage to the environment.
Project name
Top Hill Villa
Architecture firm
Samir Eisazadeh Architect
Mazandaran, Iran
Tools used
Autodesk 3ds Max, V-ray, Adobe Photoshop, Itoo Forest Pack
Principal architect
Samir Eisazadeh
Design team
Samir Eisazadeh
Samir Eisazadeh
Under Construction
Residential › House
Designing with water for climate-proof urban regeneration. Team VenhoevenCS-HOPE-HUADONG has designed the winning masterplan for a new living landscape along the central Pailao River in the Bao’an district in Shenzhen, China. As a rapidly urbanising region located below sea level, the Pailao River Blueway Project will prevent flooding due to heavy...
Written by
VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism
HOPE Landscape Design
Black Diamond Residential is undoubtedly an icon of Architecture within its geographical area, thought and designed with a futuristic perspective, each of the elements that make up its interiors, such as its facade with the same flown elements that create a differentiator due to its eccentric and out of the ordinary.
Project name
Black Diamond Residential
Architecture firm
Innovative Architecture Construction Group
Calzada Periférica No. 47 Lomas del Pedregal, Ciudad Sahagún, Tepeapulco, Hidalgo, Mexico
Principal architect
Adan Samuel Martinez Garcia
Design team
Luis Labra Hernandez
Amaury Aguilar
Interior design
Adan Samuel Martinez Garcia
Civil engineer
Amaury Aguilar
Structural engineer
Amaury Aguilar
Environmental & MEP
Luis Fernando Romo Aguilar
Adan Samuel Martinez Garcia
Amaury Aguilar
Tools used
AutoCAD, SketchUp, Lumion, Adobe Photoshop, Study
Innovative Architecture Construction Group
Block, Rod, Concrete, Mortar, Cement, Plaster, Ceramic Plaster, Sand, Gravel, Stone
Eduardo Soto Trujillo
Residential › House
The 21st century is marked by strong urbanization. Since 2008, more than half of the world’s population has been living in urban areas. This urbanization is generally accompanied by high-density development, which is associated with drawbacks such as air pollution and, above all, the lack of adequate space to accommodate this growing population.
Architecture firm
MEKEMTA Jodel Bismarc
Vacant land in the wake of highways, Cameroon
MEKEMTA Jodel Bismarc
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, SketchUp, V-ray, Adobe Photoshop
Principal architect
MEKEMTA Jodel Bismarc
Mixed-Use Building