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What makes a strong and durable house? That is the question we'll be discussing in this blog post. There are many different factors that contribute to the strength of your home, but when it comes down to it, there are three major aspects that will determine how well-built your new home is. Those
Written by
Allen Brown
Don Stouder (cover image), Greg Rivers
Buying a house is a major investment and the purchase of your home is an emotional decision, but if you want to get rid of it, you need to start thinking about the logistics. If you’ve fallen on hard times or are looking for something else, here are some things you need to consider before selling your house.
Written by
Allen Brown
Ricardo Gomez Angel (cover image), Gerd Altmann
As you start thinking about hiring a roofing contractor, you're probably wondering if this is something that's worth your time to do personally or if it would be better to find someone who specializes in replacing roofs.
Written by
Allen Brown
Ron Porter (cover image), Gabrielle Henderson, Jordan Merrick
So...you have been living in your humble abode for quite some time now and feel you have got the interior, let's just say, “done to perfection!” However, due to all your focus being aimed indoors, the outdoors, in all honesty, has been totally neglected and in truth, your garden resembles a long-forgotten jungle that has evaded mankind’s attention...
Written by
Allen Brown
Randy Fath (cover image), R.D. Smith
If you possess a different type of taste, then a regular shingled roof will not satisfy you. When you are urging for something out of the box, you will have to experiment with the available options in the market. Shingle roofs will provide you with functionality and attractiveness.
Written by
Sujain Thomas
Dumbmichael on Vecteezy
The rooftop in your commercial building is an essential element during the course of its functionality.  When inspecting your rooftop, you need to be wary of the kind of damage that may have occurred and how serious this could get if left unattended over a period of time. Here is how to check if your roof needs a repair. 
Written by
Allen Brownl
Jan Antonin Kolar (cover image), Dakota Roos