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Beginning in 2015, Land Morphology led the development of a strategic master plan for Leach Botanical Garden, a 16-acre garden for the City of Portland Parks & Recreation. Located in southeast Portland, the multi phase Master Plan project will fundamentally transform the botanical garden. Before the 1800s, native people hunted, fished, and camped a...
Project name
Leach Botanical Garden
Landscape Architecture
Land Morphology
Portland, Oregon, USA
Land Morphology
It would be difficult to find a garden in a more idyllic setting than Les Jardins d’Etretat. Perched high above Normandy’s stunning Alabaster coast, it looks out over staggering white cliffs and La Porte d’Aval, a natural stone arch. The historic garden has now been revived by landscape architect Alexandre Grivko, who has transformed it into a site...
Project name
Les Jardins d’Etretat
Landscape Architecture
Avenue Damilaville, 76790 Étretat, France
Matteo Carrasale, Richard Bloom
Water fountains are meant to guarantee impressions and excitement to your guests and visitors. That being said, malfunctions like influxes may happen, especially if you opt for poorly-made outdoor fountains. That’s why a quality water feature may either make or break the look of your garden.  Lik...