Nature-inspired forms in architecture bring users close to the natural world. Traditional geometry of a single family house combined within floating forms protecting the community from the outside living in their own OASES.
Project name
Oases Biel-Benken by KOHLERSTRAUMANN
Architecture firm
Biel -Benken, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland
Tools used
Lumion, Adobe Photoshop
Integrate, connect, assemble, couple, unite ... put in contact. Not just an existing house with the same extension, but the way you live inside, the way you look outside, the way you connect with your surrounding and with yourself. The way in which architecture flows from contemporary living. At the Fluid House, the main challenge was to make the...
Project name
Fluid House
Architecture firm
SET ideas
Córdoba, Argentina
Gonzalo Viramonte & Catalina Garzon
The project consists of an outdoor auditorium for 12,000 people , a concert hall for 3,500 people , six live houses ("whales") , five restaurants connected by a walkway, two towers with an office program, a museum and rehearsal rooms, a center of exhibitions and a series of parks and walks that connect the entire intervention.
Project name
Kaohsiung Pop Music Center
Architecture firm
Manuel Monteserin
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Shun Chen, Chen Li Hsiien, Yi-Hsien Lee, Darren Teng, Chiung-Yao Tseng, Chien Ming Chen, Chen Hung, Ian Choi, Kano Chang, Lo Ruey-Lin, Su, Bo-An, Nicolas Leng冷家豪, Yi-Hsien Lee, Monteserin, Ian Choi, Terry Chiang 江彥駐, Yu-Zhi Lin, Kevin Lin
In joint venture with Huayi Design, Aedas recently won the design competition for a pioneering project at the East Wing of the Shenzhen Campus of the Cooperation Zone.
Project name
Shenzhen Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone East Wing-1 Project
Architecture firm
Aedas in a joint venture with Huayi Design
Shenzhen, China
The existence of the Qasr-dasht segregated gardens and Chamran gardens on both sides of the project site, led the idea of binding two adjacent areas together. This project creates a continuous green network and make the bridge more integrated to the context. Shiraz City has a unique historical characteristic.
Project name
Life Bridge
Architecture firm
Shiraz, Iran
Sometimes, the weather can be unpredictable in Springdale. During such periods, residents will not want to be caught unawares with any sudden temperature change. If the temperature begins to peak out of the blue, we expect our air conditioner to come to the rescue.
Written by
Andrea Estrada
Max Vakhtbovych
Melania Tower is a hybrid building that includes a shopping mall, offices and luxury hotel apartments, estab- lished on the front of an artificial lake in Erbil, Iraq, with an organic structure. The length of this tower, which is about 140 meters, aims to be a tourist attraction and a landmark, helped by the formation of the organic facade based on...
Project name
Melania Tower
Architecture firm
Mohammad Hussen
Erbil, Kurdistan region, Iraq
140 meters
Designed by Indian architecture and interior design firm Loop Design Studio, Baba's restaurant draws its inspiration from the architecture styles of rural havelis and houses of Punjab. The idea is to create an upcycled space with a traditional material pallette from around the context. The entrance alley is a longitudinal monolithic axis created us...
Project name
BABA’S Restaurant
Architecture firm
Loop Design Studio
Chandigarh, India
Purnesh Dev Nikhanj


Zoncuantla Apartments in Coatepec, Mexico by Rafael Pardo Arquitectos