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The objective was to make the place more welcoming by providing a range of pedestrian facilities while emphasizing the identity of a historical neighborhood. As a result, the 1,8-kilometre-long riverfront area was transformed into a major attraction for people of all ages and walks of life. The panoramic view of the river and the iconic Kotelniches...
Project name
Kosmodamianskaya Embankment Reconstruction
Architecture firm
Bureau A4
Kosmodamianskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russia
Nikita Subbotin
The Metropolia residential development is a large-scale project by MR Group. A team from the architectural studio UTRO was invited to develop the concept for the landscaping of the project. The main task was to fill the area with natural elements and create a special space for children with art objects designed by Maria Somik, a Moscow artist.
Project name
Metropolia Residence
Architecture firm
UTRO Studio
Moscow, Russia
Daniil Annenkov
As the first high-end project of the "City Series" that are planned for Changsha, the City Gather Park is situated in the Xiangjiang New District, a strategic planning area of the Belt and Road master plan. Anchored by the burgeoning development in the areas surrounding the city’s center
Project name
Changsha Poly·City Gather
Architecture firm
Dean Design
Yuelu District, Changsha, China
Chill Shine
The main goal was to create a vibrant waterfront for the citizens of Krasnogorsk while at the same time providing the residents of the nearby apartment buildings with a safe walkable green space to replace the lacking courtyards
Project name
Poyma Embankment Park
Architecture firm
Basis architectural bureau
Krasnogorsk (Moscow Region), Russia
Dmitry Chebanenko
Four individual lookouts on the top of the mountain Stráž above Rokytnice nad Jizerou inspired by the characters from the town's coat of arms. The Miner, the Fox, the Sheep, and the Bear provide a view not only of the surrounding landscape, but also from one to another. They are a reference to the past, when smoke signals were sent from the local h...
Project name
The Guard Patrol
Architecture firm
Mjölk architekti
Rokytnice nad Jizerou, Czech Republic
A parametric system of 1 km wooden bars makes the pavilion flexible, easy-to-assemble and highly sustainable and recyclable. The concept of the shelter is further explored in our design process by finding inspiration in the aquatic animal species of the Sea urchins, or Echinoidea.
Project name
Architecture firm
Milan, Italy
Alice Turazza
To develop a concept of contemporary landscape park next to the Barvikha and Nemchinovka areas taking into account improvement standards for protected natural areas.
Project name
Malevich Park
Architecture firm
Basis architectural bureau
Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia
Dmitry Chebanenko
Site Specific; a manifestation of duality expressed by the constant superposition of contrasts: instability and balance, contemporary and historical, a wall that limits and a circle that receives, the space, at once, interior and exterior, the open and the closed, signalizes, at the same time, the weight and lightness of our time.
Project name
Concéntrico Pavilion
Architecture firm
Sauermartins, Mauricio Mendez
Logroño, Spain
Josema Cutillas, Cássio Sauer