Manuel Monteserin: A library that looks to the future by learning from tradition. This project seeks to maintain a balance between the traditional use of a library and the new uses demanded by contemporary citizens.
Project name
Songdo Library
Architecture firm
Manuel Monteserin
Songdo, South Korea
Principal architect
Manuel A. Monteserín
Design team
Manuel A. Monteserín Lahoz, Lucía de Ancos, Virginia Herrera, Javier Simó, Ignacio A. Monteserín Lahoz, Aman Rai, María Mallo, Yeonghwa Choe
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Show me The Project
Tools used
Autodesk 3ds Max , V-ray, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator
Cultural, Library, Public space
aoe: The concept of this library starts from understanding the true nature of this library that it will not only be as a landmark in a city, but the importance of its publicity that connects with their local citizens and tourists. Therefore, two key spaces were carved out to create a Reading Hall (towards the south-facing natural view) and a Commun...
Project name
The Library of SONGDO International City
# 115-2, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (in Songdo International City)
Principal architect
Larry Wen
Design team
Jichang Pan, Xiangting Li, Ye Wang, Ruixue Fan, Yu Lu, Zhiyu Chang, Chen Liu (Interior), Yawen Xue (Interior)
Interior design
aoe interiors
Structural engineer
Inhabitgroup, Arup Group Limited Façade
Concrete, Metal, Wood
Architecture Division. Yeonsu-gu office, Incheon-si, S.Korea Structure
Educational › Library