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A bid for the architectural concept of the National Space Center was announced in 2019. UNK was awarded the contract. The complex of the Center buildings is located in Moscow on the site of one of the leading enterprises of the Russian rocket and space  industry developing and producing space launch vehicles, rocket upper stages to them, as well  a...
Project name
The National Space Center
Architecture firm
Moscow, Russia
288 meters
The 21st century is marked by strong urbanization. Since 2008, more than half of the world’s population has been living in urban areas. This urbanization is generally accompanied by high-density development, which is associated with drawbacks such as air pollution and, above all, the lack of adequate space to accommodate this growing population.
Project name
Architecture firm
MEKEMTA Jodel Bismarc
Vacant land in the wake of highways, Cameroon
“Co-Bilitsa” is a proposal for revitalisation of a central residential zone in Sofia through a strong bonded dialogue between contemporary architectural design and centuries-old traditions and culture.
Iliyan Angelov
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy /UACEG
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Eugenia Dimova - Alexandrova
Tools used
Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, ArchiCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Twinmotion
A project in which we tried to create privacy for each apartment and at the same time take into account the directions of the sun and wind, as well as an aesthetic design and the use of wood materials for finishes.
Project name
Residential Tower
Architecture firm
Visuality Studio
Istanbul, Turkey
110 meters
"iCity" is an important project for CPU PRIDE, in which we act as the general designer. The team of CPU PRIDE worked on the project for the developer MR Group together with one of the most famous architects, the author of the architectural concept "iCity" - Helmut Jan.
Project name
Architecture firm
JAHN (Author of the concept ), CPU PRIDE (General Designer)
Moscow, Russian Federation
8-story stylobate + two towers of 34 and 61 floors
The Fluidity 2.0 High-Rise is a Mega Luxury Hotel and Office Hybrid Tower, created to integrate and complement the Swiss Alps landscape with a new built-organic architecture.
Project name
The Fluidity 2.0 High-Rise
Architecture firm
Mariana Cabugueira Custodio dos Santos
Swiss Alps
250 meters
The project is a luxurious high-end residential locating at one of the prominent locations in Erbil city. Over a plot area of 170000 sqm, and with a built-up area of 32000 sqm, the buildings comprise. 
Project name
M Towers
Architecture firm
Studio Bryar Ali
Erbil, Kurdistan region of Iraq
10- 17 floors